Using your will and bequests for community benefit

Your will is a legal document in which you nominate who will receive your property and belongings after you die. It is also a wonderful way to contribute to your community, providing vital financial support to the work of Better Connected with a bequest. A bequest is a specific gift of assets or belongings to a particular person or organisation.

Types of bequests

There are three main types of bequests:

  1. residual bequest includes anything remaining in your estate after the specific and general bequests have been paid.
  2. specific bequest is a gift of a particular piece of property such as a house, furniture or jewellery.
  3. general bequest is usually a sum of money or a percentage of the value of your estate.

How should I word a bequest to Better Connected?

We suggest that you use the following wording: “I give [amount] to Better Connected Community Services Inc. for the general purposes thereof.”

Should you wish to direct the gift to a special area we recommend: I give … to Better Connected Community Services Inc. for the specific purpose of [area or purpose].”

Let us know how we can help

If you are considering a bequest to us and would like to discuss this, please contact our CEO on (02) 9024 5500. If you do decide on a bequest, we would appreciate your letting us know. This will be a great help with forward planning, and will also enable us to thank you personally.

I’d like to discuss making a bequest

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